June 1, 2015

Spiritually Giant Week (Physically little email)

Sometimes you have those weeks when you think a lot, work a lot and PRAY a lot. This was one. I dunno... just... those weeks that you are reminded that it  isn't your work at all, but His. He will do it too. Then you try really hard to be worthy enough to be the means He uses. Notice that you aren't. Somehow it all works out anyway. Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee, how great thou art.

10 months of wonder. How great He is. And how great is this work. 
I LOVE IT. I LOVE HIM. And even more surprising...
He loves me.
Hope you are all reading the Book of Mormon- It is the most correct anything.
I send my love!
Hermana Charity Meldrum
Mission tour with Elder Zivic.
He is from Argentina. (He thinks he was there as an Area 70 or something and did a tour when Adam was there...) This picture is the Sister Training Leaders, Hermana and Elder Zivic, President and Hermana Corbitt, Zone Leaders. We were the only ones from the zone to go because we are too far away. 
BUT the sweet news is that we as sisters (with two from San Pedro) got to stay a night AT PRESIDENT'S HOUSE! To be able to get there on time. (Got a picture from the 7th floor view of the temple...) BEST DAY OF THE WEEK. One of the best of the mission too.